

Appendix 2

5.8 Monitoring Framework


Preparation of any plan should never be seen as a once and for all activity. It is essential to check that the plan is being implemented correctly, assess the outcomes that result, and check if these still remain as intended and as currently desired. Monitoring is therefore an important element of the development plan process, providing the basis for the review of the plan, and the preparation of modifications where necessary.


The Council is required by the Welsh Government to produce an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) to be submitted to the Welsh Government by 31st October each year following adoption of the Plan. The AMR will assess the extent to which policies in the LDP are being achieved and will also incorporate the results of the SEA/SA monitoring. LDP Regulation 37 requires the AMR to identify any policy that is not being implemented and to give the reasons, together with any steps the authority intends to take to secure the implementation of the policy and any intention to revise the LDP to replace or amend the policy.

5.9 Monitoring Indicators


In order to monitor the Plan, key performance indicators are required to be identified and monitored to measure the Plan's overall effectiveness. The following indicators have been identified in planning guidance and during plan preparation:

  1. National core indicators;
  2. SEA/SA indicators and;
  3. Local output indicators.

The LDP Manual, published by the Welsh Government, identifies a number of national core indicators, the first two of which are specified in the Regulations. In addition to these core indicators the SEA/SA Scoping Report identifies SEA/SA indicators and targets which can be used to assess progress on sustainability issues (see Background Paper 10). The local output indicators address matters not covered by the core & SEA indicators, but which are considered important locally.


Monitoring indicators will be the primary criteria for measuring the implementation of polices and allocations. In addition to the above monitoring indicators, a series of targets and trigger points will be implemented to highlight the performance of policies. The following features will form the monitoring framework and will collectively ensure the appropriate implementation of policy in the tables below.

Monitoring Aim


The monitoring aim details the purpose of the policy if it is implemented as anticipated over the Plan period. It is closely aligned with the overarching spatial objectives of the LDP to ensure that these objectives are adhered to.

Source Data


This identifies where data will be sourced from in order to measure policy performance and implementation. The Council’s M3 is an electronic planning application system which provides mechanisms to record vital planning application data related to elements of the Plan and the Monitoring Section. The Council will work with Development Control to ensure data related to the Monitoring Section is recorded through all submitted planning applications.



It is important to define the area to which the monitoring indicator relates as some polices are specific to certain areas. To assess these polices as county wide could distort the findings and obscure the measurement of that policy.



The target will be used to monitor policy progress against the monitoring indicators. It will detail what the policy should achieve if it is being implemented as expected.

Base Level


This is the level at which the policy should be working at if it is being implemented as anticipated. Any deviation from this base level may indicate that the policy is not being implemented appropriately.

Trigger Level


A series of trigger levels have been designed to highlight policies which are not being fully implemented, deviation from the base level will highlight these trigger levels. Once a policy has activated its trigger level it will be assessed through the AMR process to determine the factors which may be affecting the implementation of that policy. These trigger points will ensure that prompt and responsive action is taken to any policy implementation issues so that they can be amended accordingly. Where housing and employment allocations fail to come forward for development in line with the phasing plan, trigger points will prompt a review of including the contingency sites in order to ensure the continuous release of land for housing and employment development.


Objective(s) Monitoring Aim
All Spatial Objectives are covered under the Development Principles.






The Development Principles are, in the majority of cases, delivered and monitored via other supporting policies within the Plan.

To contribute to promoting sustainable communities in Conwy.

To decrease the level of population in the most deprived wards.

Te ensure the predicted changes in population are met by securing construction of 85% of the housing need within the Urban Development Strategy Area and 15% in the Rural Development Strategy Area.

Te ensure the predicted changes in population are met by securing construction of 80% of the employment need within the Urban Development Strategy Area and 10% in the Rural Development Strategy Area.

To secure contributions from developers towards required infrastructure requirements.

Monitoring Indicators

Source Data

Targets & Trigger Points


Base Level

Trigger Level

% of housing development take up in the Urban and Rural Development Strategy Areas (UDSA – RDSA) in meeting predicted population change requirements.

Planning Applications (M3) and the Joint Housing Land Availability Study

Plan Area

85% in the UDSA and 15% in the RDSA by 2010, 2017 and 2022.

Urban – Rural – (2010 baseline from completions, commitment and windfall forecasts).

10% deviation in each strategic development area.

% of employment land take up in the Urban and Rural Development Strategy Areas in meeting predicted population change requirements.

Planning Applications (M3) and the Employment Land Monitoring Report.

Plan Area

85% in the UDSA and 15% in the RDSA by 2010, 2017 and 2022.


10% deviation in each strategic development area.

Amount of new development (ha) permitted via conversions and brownfield redevelopment as a % of all development permitted.

Planning Applications (M3) and the Joint Housing Land Availability Study & Employment Land Monitoring Report.

Plan Area

60% and above


Decrease below base level.

The number of reported crime incidents by type as a total.

North Wales Police

Plan Area

15% decrease overall

7299 (2012)

6831 (2017)

6386 (2022)

7486 (crime incidents 2009/2010)

Increase from the base level for more 3 consecutive years.

Number of Planning applications approved not in accordance with the relevant Supplementary Planning Guidance (i.e. Design SPG) or Planning Brief.

CCBC Planning Applications and M3 System.

Plan Area



3 in any year.

Total successful obligations negotiated with developers.

CCBC Planning Applications and M3 System and CCBC S106 Database.

Plan Area

5 a year (2010)

10 a year (2017)

20 a year (2022)

5 a year

Less than base level.

Total number of planning applications being approved against Policy DP/6 – ‘National Guidance’.

CCBC Planning Applications and M3 System.

Plan Area



3 in any year.

Prepare and adopt the Design SPG

Planning Policy

Plan Area

SPG completed and adopted within 12 months of LDP adoption



Amount of greenfield and open space lost to development (ha) which is not allocated in the LDP or in accord with LDP Policy.

Planning Applications (M3)

Plan Area

None lost


1 in any year





Monitoring Aim

SO1:    To accommodate sustainable levels of population growth.

To secure construction of 6,520 dwellings, inclusive of committed, windfall and new allocations and 1875 affordable housing units via all mechanisms, whilst at the same time ensuring the right type, tenure and size of housing development is achieved.

To maintain a 5 year housing land supply.

To control housing development in the open countryside.

To promote comprehensive regeneration through the control of Houses in Multiple Occupation whilst at the same time ensuring self-contained flats are of a high design standard.

To provide a site for Gypsies & Travellers

SO3.    To provide land and develop a diverse supply of housing to contribute to needs, including affordable housing for local need, and to meet the need for Gypsies and Travellers, at a scale that is consistent with the ability of different areas and communities to grow.

Monitoring Indicators

Source Data

Targets & Trigger Points



Base Level

Trigger Level

Number of net additional affordable and general market dwellings built per annum.

M3/Joint Housing Land Availability Studies and annual return to Welsh Government on affordable housing.

Plan Area


125 affordable and 423 general market dwellings per annum.

132 affordable and 423 dwellings per annum

15% above or below target

5 Year Housing Land Supply

M3/Joint Housing Land Availability Studies.

Plan Area

5 Year Housing Land Supply

5 Year Housing Land Supply

Supply falls below 5 years


Number of contingency sites released, based on

Location:Priority will be given to releasing one or more contingency sites in the same general area in which a shortfall is identified;

Capacity: The contingency site released should be capable of providing the approximate dwelling numbers required;

Deliverability: A contingency site should be deliverable within the period anticipated.

LDP/M3/Joint Housing Land Availability Studies

Plan Area

Planning permission granted on a contingency site within 12 months of release


No planning permission granted within 24 months of release of a contingency site

Number of vacant dwellings brought back into use.

M3/CCBC Housing Services Monitoring.

Plan Area

25 Dwellings a year

25 Dwellings a year (from 2012)

-15% for two consecutive years.

Amount of housing development permitted on allocated sites (a) as a % of development plan housing allocations and (b) as a % of total housing development permitted.

M3/Joint Housing Land Availability Studies

Plan Area

(a) 15% per annum (b) 70% (to allow for windfalls & conversions)


(a) 10% or below for two consecutive years (b) 15% below target for two consecutive years.

Average density of housing development permitted on allocated development plan sites.


Plan Area

Min. 30 dwellings per hectare for scheme of 3 or more dwellings.


5 or more scheme granted permission at less than 30 dwellings per hectare.

The number of housing schemes developing housing types and sizes against the evidence set out in the Local Housing Market Assessment and/or Social/Affordable Housing Registers.


Plan Area



1or more planning permissions granted against officer recommendation.

Amount of affordable housing permitted via ‘exception sites’.

M3/Rural Housing Enabler Studies/Joint Housing Land Availability Studies.

Urban Development Strategy Area and Llanrwst.

5 Dwellings a year

5 Dwellings a year

20% above or below target.

The number of applications for Houses of Multiple Occupation achieving planning permission.


Plan Area



1or more planning permissions.

Prepare and adopt SPG on Affordable Housing.

Planning Policy and Housing.

Plan Area

Adopted within 12 months of LDP adoption.



Prepare and adopt SPG on Self Contained Flats.

Planning Policy and Housing.

Plan Area

Adopted within 12 months of LDP adoption.



Number of private / Council planning applications for G&T sites granted and refused in accord or contrary to Policy HOU/9


Plan Area

Min. 1 site granted permission


a) 1 or more planning applications which accord with policy refused planning permission

b) Failure of Conwy CBC to approve a site by July 2014

Provision of Gypsy & Traveller Site

Planning Policy/Housing/Welsh Government

Plan Area

Call for Sites by Aug 2013

Establishment of working group to consider sites by October 2013

Completion of site search/assessment by March 2014

Approval of preferred site(s) by Conwy CBC by June 2014

Submission of planning application by Sept 2014

Determination of planning application by Jan 2015

Submission for WG funding by March 2015


Failure to achieve target dates

Undertake assessment of site needs for travelling show people

Planning Policy & Housing

Plan Area

Study complete within 12 months of LDP adoption







Monitoring Aim

SO1:    To accommodate sustainable levels of population growth.

To contribute to predicted population changes and increase employment levels by securing construction of 20.5 hectares of employment land, inclusive of completions, committed, and new allocations.

To reduce out-commuting levels through construction of an additional 15.5 hectares of employment land in the Urban Development Strategy Area.

SO4.    Identify and safeguard land to meet the community's needs for more jobs and greater economic prosperity and reduced out-commuting levels focussing, in particular, on higher value employment opportunities and skills development within and around the strategic hubs of Conwy, Llandudno, Llandudno Junction and Colwyn Bay and in the accessible and sustainable location of Abergele.

SO5.   Encourage the strengthening and diversification of the rural economy where this is compatible with local economy, community and environmental interests.

Monitoring Indicators

Source Data

Targets & Trigger Points



Base Level

Trigger Level

Annual Unemployment Level.

WG Stats Wales:  Annual Unemployment Rates by Welsh Local Authority.

Plan Area


Decrease unemployment levels by 10%

4.8% (Year ending 31 March 2007)

15% or higher

Number of Plan Area Residents in Employment.

WG Stats Wales:  Employment Status persons 16+.


Plan Area


Increase Employment Levels as indicated below:

47,826 (2012)*

49,227 (2017)*

49,850 (2022)*

47,500 (Year ending 31 March 2007)

No increase for 3 or more consecutive years, or decrease below Base level.

Employment land development per annum in the Urban Development Strategy Area.

CCBC Planning applications, Employment Land Monitoring Report and M3 system.


Development of 33 ha of Employment Land by 2022

4.54 ha by 2012 (0.91 ha pa)

19.82 ha by 2017 (24.36 ha pa)

33 ha by 2022 (8.64 ha pa)

11.7 ha built since 2007

Annual development rates 15% lower or higher than targets for two or more consecutive years.

Employment land development per annum in the Rural Development Strategy Area

CCBC Planning applications, Employment Land Monitoring Report and M3 system.


Development of 3 ha of employment land by 2022.

0.44 ha by 2012 (0.09 ha pa)

2.16 ha by 2017 (0.34 ha pa)

3.0 ha by 2022 (0.17 ha pa)

0 ha built since 2007

Annual development rates 15% lower or higher than targets for two or more consecutive years.

Number of Conwy residents out-commuting to work to locations outside of the Plan Area.

Statistics on commuting in Wales – Statistical Directorate, Welsh Government.

Plan Area

Reduce out-commuting levels by:

249 by 2012*

1331 by 2017*

1800 by 2022*

7,200 out-commuters (net 2010 figure)

No decrease for 3 or more consecutive years, or increase above base level.

The amount of new employment permitted on allocated sites in the development plan (a) as a % of all development plan employment allocations and (b) as a % of total development permitted (ha and units).

CCBC Planning applications, Employment Land Monitoring Report and M3 system.

Plan Area

(a) 15% per annum

(b) 80% (to allow for commitments and developments on non-allocated sites)


(a) 10% or below for 2 consecutive years

(b) 15% below target for 2 consecutive years.

Prepare and adopt SPG on Rural Conversions.

Planning Policy

Plan Area

Adopted within 12 months of LDP adoption.







Monitoring Aim

SO5.  Encourage the strengthening and diversification of the rural economy where this is compatible with local economy, community and environmental interests.

To ensure high quality tourism facilities and accommodation are available in the most suitable locations.

Avoiding further over-concentrations of static units in the Urban Development Strategy Area and Coastal Zone.

Ensuring Chalet, Caravan and Camping Sites in the Rural Development Strategy Area are provided at suitable locations.

Promoting new tourism attractions at suitable locations to encourage an all year round tourism.

SO8. Assist tourism through the protection and enhancement of coastal and rural based tourism attractions and accommodation and further exploit the potential to develop, strengthen and encourage an all year round tourism industry.

Monitoring Indicators

Source Data

Targets & Trigger Points



Base Level

Trigger Level

Level of serviced accommodation within Holiday Accommodation Zones (HAZ).



No less than current base level.

Zone One: 64

Zone Two: 40

Zone Three: 30

Zone Four: 15

1 +/-  in each zone


New Chalet, Caravan and Camping Sites in the Urban Development Strategy Area granted permission against Policy.


Urban Development Strategy Area



1 permission

New Chalet, Caravan and Camping Sites in the Rural Development Strategy Area granted permission against Policy.


Rural Development Strategy Area



1 permission

Extension of the holiday season for existing caravans, chalets and camping sites.


Plan Area



1 permission

Number of decisions supporting the loss of tourism facilities against officer recommendation.


Plan Area



1 permission





Monitoring Aim

SO6.    Develop vibrant town centre destinations for shopping, business and commerce, culture, entertainment and leisure through the protection and enhancement of the vitality, viability and attractiveness of Llandudno as the strategic sub regional retail centre, and regeneration of Colwyn Bay town centre and other key shopping centres.

To enable the provision of social and community facilities in Conwy by recognising existing and future need, safeguarding existing provision and facilitating new provision where evidence of need exists.

SO10. Ensure that good, sustainable, inclusive design is delivered which includes the opportunity to design out crime, to develop strong, safe and locally distinctive communities and encourage the younger population to remain and return to the area.

Monitoring Indicators

Source Data

Targets & Trigger Points



Base Level

Trigger Level

Percentage of vacant units within the primary shopping areas and shopping zones.

Experian GOAD / CCBC

Plan Area

No more than 15% in any centre.

Various levels. See BP16

15% or more for 3 consecutive years.

‘Clustering’ of non-A1 uses in the primary shopping areas and shopping zones.

Experian GOAD / CCBC

Plan Area

Not more than 30% of units in a continuous frontage comprising non A1 uses.

Various levels. See BP/16

More than 30% of the units in a continuous frontage comprising non A1 uses.

Number of applications for new non-bulky retail floor space outside of centres defined in the retail hierarchy.

Experian GOAD/


Plan Area

0 permissions (except where they are to support rural communities).


1 permission.

Percentage of A1 units in Primary Shopping Areas.

Experian GOAD/ CCBC

Plan Area


69% in Llandudno

72% in Colwyn Bay

65% or lower.

Loss of community facilities outside Llandudno and town centres.

CCBC Community Facilities Survey

Plan Area

No more than 5 facilities lost over the Plan period.


6 or more community facilities lost to other uses.

Number of relevant applications granted resulting in the shop front having a negative impact on the area.

CCBC Conservation Area Appraisals and M3

Plan Area

0 permissions granted.

See conservation area appraisals (where applicable).

1 permission granted.

Net loss of land for allotments.


Plan Area

No net loss of land where a need exists in that community.


Net loss of allotments.

Number of applications approved for new allotments on allocated sites and other suitable sites where a need exists and which accord with development principles.

M3 / Waiting list for allotments

Plan Area

100% of applications approved where a need exists.


Refusal of 1 or more applications over the Plan period.

Number of developments for 30 or more dwellings which provide on site provision for open space in line with Policy CFS/11 and LDP4 – ‘Planning Obligations’.


Plan Area

100% of relevant developments (having regard to LDP4 priorities).


1 or more applications providing commuted sums as exceptions.

Number of developments of less than 30 dwellings which make provision for a commuted sum for open space in line with Policy CFS/11 and LDP4 – ‘Planning Obligations’


Plan Area

100% of relevant developments (having regard to LDP4 priorities)


1 or more applications not providing commuted sums.

Net loss of open space.

CCBC Open Space audit and review

Plan Area

No net loss of land where a need exists in that community.

2010 open space assessment

Net loss of open space.

Applications approved for new areas of open space in locations across the Plan Area.


Plan Area

100% of applications approved where a need exists and where in line with development principles.

2010 open space assessment

Refusal of 1 or more applications over the Plan period where in accord with development principles.

Applications approved for new areas for burial grounds on allocated sites and elsewhere where need exists.


Plan Area

100% of applications approved where a need exists.


Refusal of 1 or more applications where in accord with development principles.

Applications approved for new school developments complying with development principles.


Plan Area

To review following the finalisation of the Primary School Modernisation Project.


Review following completion of the Primary School Modernisation Project in 2011.

Review the Conwy Retail Study

Planning Policy and CCBC Research Team

Plan Area

Complete within 12 months of adoption.



Amount of major retail, office and indoor leisure development (m2) permitted in town centres as a % of all major development permitted within the Plan Area.

Experian GOAD/CCBC/M3

Plan Area

90% of floorspace (excluding floorspace permitted on allocated and existing retail and business parks).


80% or less (excluding floorspace permitted on allocated and existing retail and business parks).





Monitoring Aim

SO11.  Reduce energy consumption through the careful siting and design of buildings and the promotion of renewable energy developments where they have prospects of being economically attractive and environmentally and socially acceptable.

To ensure new development conforms to Building Regulations and national targets for new build.

Ensure large developments seek to provide 10-25% of their energy requirements from on site renewable resources.

To maintain the open character of the coastal zone and areas of green wedge.

To protect any features of archaeological, historical or architectural importance.

To ensure that development provides for biodiversity within the Plan Area. Where appropriate, any new development will be expected to assess, mitigate for loss and monitor levels of biodiversity.

To retain and enhance the favourable conservation status of designated sites and their features.

To ensure that new development provides for adequate and sustainable drainage.

SO12.  Safeguard and enhance the character and appearance of the undeveloped coast and countryside, sites of landscape/conservation importance and features of archaeological, historic or architectural interest and ensure the conservation of biodiversity and protected species.

SO14.  To promote the prudent use of resources through the minimisation of waste and assist in providing an integrated network of waste management facilities consistent with the needs of the area and the waste hierarchy.

Monitoring Indicators

Source Data

Targets & Trigger Points



Base Level

Trigger Level

Permissions granted for development which is considered to have a negative impact on an LBAP (full list) species/habitats.

LBAP, Countryside consultation.

Plan Area



1 permission

Development adversely affecting a RIG granted permission against Officer or local archaeological organisation recommendations.


Plan Area



1 permission

Development within a green wedge (excluding one planet, rural enterprise dwelling or affordable housing for local need) granted against officer recommendations.


Plan Area



1 permission

Proposals approved without Management Agreements or unimplemented Management Agreements contrary to Officer recommendations.


Plan Area



1 permission

Development greater than 0.5 ha on Grade 2 and 3a agricultural land which does not comprise an LDP allocation.


Plan Area



1 permission

Applications granted permission against Officer recommendations where a detrimental impact on an SLA had been identified.

M3/Conservation consultation

Plan Area



1 permission

Development within Coastal Zone granted permission against officer recommendation or against Policy NTE/1.

M3/Conservation consultation

Coastal Zone



1 permission

Onshore wind turbine development within SSA achieving below 5MW.



All developments >5MW and above.


1 permission below 5MW.

Onshore wind turbine development within SSA.



28MW (2010)

56MW (2017)

140MW (2022) (subject to TAN8 rev).


20% +/- the target.

Onshore wind turbine development greater than 5MW approved outside SSA.


Plan Area



1 permission

BREEAM levels for new build employment not being met.

BRegs, M3

Plan Area

BREEAM ‘very good’ for developmentswith floorspace of 1000sqm or more, or on sites of 1 hectare or more and achieve mandatory credits for Excellent under Ene 1. – reduction of CO2 emissions (or subsequent updates)


1 permission

CFSH levels for new build dwellings not being met.

BRegs, M3

Plan Area

CFSH (version 3) level 3 plus 1 credit under Ene 1 – Dwelling Emission Rate (or subsequent updates)


1 permission

Applications granted permission against Officer or advice of the SAB to incorporate SUDS or adequate drainage provision.


Plan Area

Per Officer or advice of the SAB.


1 permission

Applications granted permission against Officer or statutory consultee advice to incorporate water conservation methods.

M3/Statutory Consultee

Plan Area

All development.


1 permission

New development of 1,000 m2 or 10 dwellings not submitting a Water Conservation Strategy.


Plan Area

Development of 1,000 m2 or 10 dwellings.


1 permission

Produce SPG on Renewable Energy.

Planning Policy.

Plan Area

Completed within 12 months of adoption.



Produce SPG on Natural Environment

Planning Policy

Plan Area

Completed within 12 months of adoption.



Produce SPG on onshore wind turbine development

Planning Policy

Plan Area

Completed  within 12 months of LDP adoption



Development permitted in C1 and C2 floodplain areas not meeting all TAN15 tests or EAW recommendations.


Plan Area

None permitted


1 permission

The capacity of Renewable Energy developments (MW) installed inside Strategic Search Areas by type (TAN8).

Planning Policy/DC

Plan Area

Target set out in TAN8, NEP or PPW


Not achieving target set out in TAN8, National Energy Policy or PPW

Applications granted permission which result in the loss of land within an SPA, SAC or SSSI

Planning Policy

Plan Area

None permitted


1 permission resulting in loss of area.

Applications granted permission against Officer or CCW advice considered to have potential to cause harm to a protected site or species


Plan Area

None permitted


1 permission

Number of biodiversity conditions not implemented.


Plan Area

All implemented


1 condition not implemented

Any negative effect highlighted by a statutory body relating to a degradation of a water body within a European site as a result of Conwy LDP promoted development.

External Statutory Body

Plan Area

None permitted


1 permitted

Any negative effect caused in a neighbouring authority area brought to the attention of a statutory body thought to be caused by a development or Policy in the Conwy LDP.

External Statutory Body

Plan Area

None permitted


1 permitted





Monitoring Aim

SO6.    Develop vibrant town centre destinations for shopping, business and commerce, culture, entertainment and leisure through the protection and enhancement of the vitality, viability and attractiveness of Llandudno as the strategic sub regional retail centre, and regeneration of Colwyn Bay town centre and other key shopping centres.

To ensure that Conwy’s heritage assets and the Welsh language are protected or where possible, enhanced through development proposals that affect them. A key aspect of monitoring in this chapter will be the production and approval of an SPG which provides the necessary detail to guide development proposals, and also the effectiveness of each policy in delivering the LDP objectives and maintaining and improving the quality of the cultural and historic environment.

SO10. Ensure that good, sustainable, inclusive design is delivered which includes the opportunity to design out crime, to develop strong, safe and locally distinctive communities and encourage the younger population to remain and return to the area.

SO12.  Safeguard and enhance the character and appearance of the undeveloped coast and countryside, sites of landscape/conservation importance, features of archaeological, historic or architectural interest and ensure the conservation of biodiversity and protected species.

SO13.  To protect and improve accessibility to essential services and facilities, including open space, allotments, health, education and leisure.

SO16.  Ensure that development supports and sustains the long-term wellbeing of the Welsh language and the character and linguistic balance of communities within the Plan Area.

Monitoring Indicators

Source Data

Targets & Trigger Points



Base Level

Trigger Level

Appeals won by LPA following refusals under Policy CTH/3 relating to development adversely affecting buildings and structures of local importance.

PINS Appeal Decisions.

Plan Area

100% per annum


85% per annum

The number of applications granted that adversely affect known archaeological sites and unregistered sites of archaeological importance.

CPAT/GAT consultation responses / M3.

Plan Area

None granted.


1 permission granted.

Land designated as conservation areas.

Conservation section.

Plan Area

Retain 100% of existing designations that have been reviewed since adoption of the LDP.

25 designated areas

Loss of 1 designation (including de-designations) and/or significant revision by reducing the area of three or more conservation areas.

Number of listed buildings or structures demolished.

M3, Conservation Section.

Plan Area

No more than 5 during the Plan period.


More than 5 by or before 2015.

Applications for development which affects listed buildings or structures within a conservation area granted against the recommendations of the Conservation Officer.

M3, Conservation Section.

Plan Area

None granted


1 permission granted

Applications for development which affects buildings or structures of local importance granted against the recommendations of the Conservation Officer

M3, Conservation Section.

Plan Area

None granted


1 permission granted

Enabling development granted that conforms to the requirements of Policy CTH/4 and facilitates preservation of a historic asset.


Plan Area

All relevant applications granted.


One or more relevant application granted which does not preserve a heritage asset.

SPG produced on General Issues within Residential and Commercial Conservation Areas.

Conservation Section.

Plan Area

Completed within 12 months of adoption.



SPG produced on Listed Buildings.

Conservation Section.

Plan Area

Completed within 18 months of adoption.



Appendix to the Conservation Area SPG – Llandudno

Conservation section

Llandudno Conservation Area

Completed within 12 months of adoption



Appendix to the Conservation Area SPG – Conwy

Conservation section

Conwy Conservation Area and World Heritage Site

Completed within 18 months of adoption



Appendix to the Conservation Area SPG – remaining Conservation Areas

Conservation section

Other Conservation Areas

Completed within 24 months of adoption



SPG produced on Enabling Development.

Conservation Section.

Plan Area

Completed within 18 months of adoption.



Number of windfall sites delivered in Urban and Rural Development Strategy Areas


Plan Area

Meeting targets contained in Table 3 HOU1a


Targets in Table 3 exceeded

Applications submitted with Community and Linguistic Statements, Community and Linguistic Impact Assessments and Mitigation Statements in line with policy thresholds in CTH/5.

DC and consultation with Policy on relevant applications

Plan Area

100% in line with thresholds

0 (not currently used).

Below 100% where thresholds apply.

Applications on allocated housing sites at Abergele & Llanrwst, and mixed use site at Dolgarrog, submitted with Welsh Language 'Mitigation Statement'.

DC and consultation with Policy on relevant applications

Sites referenced

100% in line with Policy CTH/5



Below 100%

Assess effectiveness of Community and Linguistic Statements, Community and Linguistic Impact Assessments and Mitigation Statements submitted.

Biennial Study.

Plan Area – areas within and outside of the threshold levels.

Effective use of the Statements and/or Impact Assessments in determining planning applications and securing mitigation measures where appropriate. Assess suitability of information requested and threshold levels and identify any challenges to policy delivery.

None (qualitative research, inc. housing occupancy surveys) – undertake first study two years following adoption.

As the work is of a qualitative nature, review and outcomes will be determined by the results of the study and will tie in with the AMR.





Monitoring Aim

SO1.    To accommodate sustainable levels of population growth..

Ensure that adequate information is provided with applications to illustrate that there will be no detrimental impacts on highway safety.

Safeguarding of railfreight facilities at Llandudno Junction and Penmaenmawr to ensure no new development would impede on the future use of the land.

Support proposals which improve accessibility to essential services and facilities, including open space, allotments, health, education and leisure.

SO7.    Concentrate development along existing and proposed infrastructure networks and, in particular, at locations that are convenient for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.

SO9.    To encourage efficient patterns of movement and to recognisethe strategic role that the A55 and rail corridors will play in meeting the development needs of the Plan Area, and to give particular attention to development locations that are convenient for pedestrians, walking and cycling in Conwy to aid the reduction of transport CO2 emissions.

SO13. To protect and improve accessibility to essential services and facilities, including open space, allotments, health, education and leisure

Monitoring Indicators

Source Data

Targets & Trigger Points



Base Level

Trigger Level

Approval of planning permission which does not conform to LDP2 – ‘Parking Standards’ SPG.


Plan Area

Per LDP2 SPG guidance


1 permission

Development approved without a Transport Assessment, Travel Plan or Road Safety Audit contrary to Officer or statutory consultee recommendation.


Plan Area



1 permission

Development approved without financial contribution towards improvements in transport infrastructure contrary to Officer or statutory consultee recommendation.


Plan Area



1 permission

Development approved contrary to Officer or statutory consultee recommendation which would adversely affect the use of safeguarded railfreight facilities at Llandudno Junction and Penmaenmawr.


Site specific



1 permission

Development approved contrary to Officer or statutory consultee recommendation which has a negative impact on accessibility to essential services and facilities, including open space, allotments, health, education and leisure.


Plan Area



1 permission





Monitoring Aim

SO14.  To promote the prudent use of resources through the minimisation of waste and assist in providing an integrated network of waste management facilities consistent with the needs of the area and the waste hierarchy.

Maintain a balance between the need to provide and safeguard mineral resources and waste management facilities to meet local, regional and national targets, whilst at the same time ensuring that the needs of existing land users and the quality of the natural and built environments are not compromised.

SO15.  Contribute to regional and local mineral needs in a sustainable manner.

Monitoring Indicators

Source Data

Targets & Trigger Points



Base Level

Trigger Level

The extent of primary land-won aggregates permitted in accordance with the Regional Technical Statement for Aggregates expressed as a % of the total capacity required as identified in the Regional Technical Statement.

North Wales Regional Aggregate Working Party Annual Monitoring Report

Plan Area

Maintain a 10 year landbank of permitted reserves for hard rock

68 years

Less than 10 years permitted reserves remaining

North Wales

Maintain a 7 year landbank of permitted reserves for sand and gravel

23 years (total for North Wales)

Less than 7 years permitted reserves remaining

Number of planning permissions granted for extraction of aggregate mineral not in line with Policy MWS/2


Plan Area

0 permissions granted.

0 permissions granted.

1 permission granted which is not justified in line with the policy.

Number of planning permissions granted in the safeguarding hard rock and sand and gravel designations not in line with Policy MWS/3.


Plan Area

0 permissions granted.

0 permissions granted.

1 permission granted which is not justified in line with the policy.

Number of planning permissions for inappropriate development, e.g. dwellings/mineral working, granted in the Quarry Buffer Zone and Landfill Buffer Zone Designations.


Plan Area

0 permissions granted.

0 permissions granted.

1 permission granted.

Rates for recycling, preparation for re-use and composting compared with national targets (Wales Waste Measure 2010).

CCBC Waste Management Dept .

Plan Area

2012/13 = 52%

2015/16 = 58%

2019/22 = 64%


2012/13 ≤ 45%

2015/16 ≤ 55%

2019/20 ≤ 60%

Amount of waste management capacity developed in the Plan Area, or outside of the Plan Area to deal with waste arising in Conwy


Plan Area and sites developed outside the Plan Area in partnership with Conwy County Borough Council.

50% capacity permitted by 2015.


Less than 50% capacity permitted by 2015, either within the Plan Area, or outside of the Plan Area delivered in partnership with other North Wales local authorities, as a proportion of capacity required by Conwy County Borough Council.