We are privileged to live and work in a beautiful area. The things we enjoy about Conwy result from the interaction of local communities and the environment. Sometimes features are incidental, sometimes they have evolved over a very long time and sometimes they are planned; whatever the case we need to try and ensure that future communities have the opportunity to enjoy all that is best about Conwy. That is not to say things will remain the same; the area faces many pressures and challenges that can only be addressed by looking at the problems afresh.
We must find ways of meeting the local people's housing and affordable housing needs and enable the provision of well-paid jobs for future communities that are generated by the current and future population, whilst safeguarding the linguistic character of communities, protecting the environment and addressing the threats from flood risk. At the same time, we must ensure that there is sufficient capacity in the development industry to deliver the level of growth promoted over the Plan period and also ensure that flexible mechanisms are put in place that promote a younger population by encouraging the existing and future younger population to remain and prosper in Conwy.
The process of preparing the new Local Development Plan has been a long and complex one. We have spent a great deal of time exploring the issues, consulting with a wide range of organisations, including the town and community councils, commissioning specialist studies and considering existing evidence. This process has allowed us to discuss the issues affecting the County Borough with many people and has provided a solid foundation on which to develop the document now before you.
This Conwy Revised Deposit Local Development Plan provides a clear vision on how new development can address the challenges we face and identifies where, when, and how much new development will take place in Conwy up to 2022.
I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the development of this Plan and hope it provides the basis for the provision of new development in Conwy to address the needs of the local communities in a sustainable and locally distinctive manner.
Councillor Dilwyn Roberts
Leader of the Council